Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hot Laps - a roaring success ...

Hello Team,

you have no idea.... I am speechless. Today evidenced to me the characteristics, qualities and genuine heart of the people I am so lucky to work with.

Our Hot Laps fundraiser has been a sellout and a complete success, it is just incredible.

And while a media release will detail exactly what this means, I can assure you Project KPH has had the pressure taken off our Bathurst trip significantly.

Today I am blown away. I am genuinely lost for words.

There are some amazing people walking this earth, ordinary people with BIG hearts who have absolutely restored my faith in humanity.

I am both humbled and honoured to say I work with extraordinary people and I couldn't be any more grateful.

Leah xoxo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Restoration of faith in humanity is also good - keep positive. Good things come to good people ;)