Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Five weeks to go and counting .....

Excited much!!! Oh yeah!!!

Hi Team,

well today marks the five week mark till I wing off to meet with Sabrina and Rob, Logan and Paula for their trip of a lifetime to THE V8 Mecca - Bathurst.

With the event drawing ever closer we are all very excited at what will mark a significant achievement for the Project, and deliver to these two very cool kids and their parent each a trip otherwise unattainable. Both kids are INTO their motor racing with a passion to be reckoned with! This trip will stay with them for the rest of their lives; it's an amazing feeling to think that through dedication, hard work and perseverance such awesome results can be gained.

Never give up on your dreams, ever. If by you hanging onto yours it means someone else can realise theirs - it's worth it, every challenge, every obstacle. Never give up.

Unfortunately this week has also brought about a realisation that a very special wee mate of mine is going in to battle with the next couple months looking tough. It's a painful process for everyone. However, he knows I'm standing with him till the end of the storm; he knows he is loved.

As I have stated in previous blogs, life is a precious, precarious gift that in no way can be taken for granted. It can be taken in an instant, before you've had time to mend rifts, say I love you, or I'm sorry. We all have the ability to remedy our potential regrets today, but our choices are governed by our own self awareness, and the responsibility we have only to ourselves to live with peace of mind. Once someone is gone, it's all a bit hard and a bit late.

If there was one thing you could do today that could mean you eliminate a potential regret, what would that be? An email, a phone call? It's all pretty simple stuff at the end of the day.

Well one thing is for sure, we have no regrets here at Project KPH HQ about the effort that has gone into this awesome trip to Bathurst!

Alesha and I have been working hard, we are 200% committed to the goal and by crikey there is nothing standing in our way. Sure we've had set backs, sure it's damn tough in this economic climate to raise money for a relatively unknown children's charity, but our passion, our enthusiasm and our dedication has never wavered. We have seen this mission bring out the absolute best in many of the folk we are lucky enough to work with, and that is really something.

When people have a common goal, something to believe in, it is amazing what can be achieved. A compelling vision and a group of genuinely committed ordinary people can make a big difference for people less advantaged. I find that uplifting, heart warming and it gives me faith in humanity.

Five weeks and counting! Yeeeeeehaaaaaaa!


Leah xo

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